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发布时间:2023-06-06 21:06:11源自:http://www.xady168.com/作者:童鞋会阅读(334)

1、Einfache, die ich über Betreuung. 简简单单,一句我在乎。

2、Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

3、Being silent is the perfect way to show contempt. 沉默是表示轻蔑的最完美方式

4、A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough. 活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。

5、Could have been alone, but love was in the way. 本可一人独逍遥,偏偏爱情挡了道。

6、I don’t understand why destiny allows some people to meet when there’s no way for them to be together. ——我不明白为什么命运要让两个不可能在一起的人相遇。

7、I began to aphasia. Hiding in own corner of stability and calm. 我开始失语。躲在自己的角落安定从容。

8、Since I was young, time inclined negative. 我自是年少,韶华倾负

9、Stop the pain and leave the smile to tomorrow. 把痛苦停在昨天把微笑留给明天。

10、Brief is life, but love is long.生命虽短,爱却绵长。

11、Never mind,I'll find someone like you.【不用在意,我会寻找一个像你一样的爱人】

12、Fear of quiet as I, I will be the bite of bone engulfed by numb. 害怕安静下来的自己那样,我就会被那噬骨的麻木所吞噬。

13、My thoughts are deep into you. 我深深地想念著你。

14、Being inseparable and not getting along is our biggest obstacle to each other. 离不开又合不来是我们彼此最大的坎。

15、If you know who I was, maybe you would forgive who I am. 你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。

16、Maybe you shouldn't give me hope. 或许你当初就不该给我希望。

17、Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。

18、let`s face

19、Sorry, I do not love you

20、Let the time tell the truth

21、If we fell in love again I swear love you right

22、It's not tears that should be wiped, but the ones that make you cry.. 应该擦去的不是泪水,而是那些让你流泪的人。

23、You don't have much good, I like it. (你不用多好,我喜欢就好)

24、I just need someone who never lets me down。 我只是需要一个永远不会放弃我的人

25、You find your sunshine, I was left alone sad. 你找到了你的阳光,我却仍在独自忧伤。

26、I met you unexpectedly, and you passed me by. 我与你不期而遇,你与我擦肩而过。

27、Please let me bully you for a lifetime (请让我欺负你一辈子)

28、I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye. 我要成为他最心动的相遇,最不舍的离别。

29、Cold will consume one's enthusiasm. 冷淡会消耗一个人所有的热情。

30、You born different, destined to not drown in the crowd. 你天生与众不同,注定不会淹没在人群中。

31、Thank you, so busy, also come to hurt me.谢谢你,那么忙,还亲自来伤害我。

32、Fool,The person I love best is you。(傻瓜,我最爱的人就是你了。)

33、Thank you push me off a cliff let me see the whole sky. 感谢你将我推下悬崖让我看清整片天空。

34、Years you very clean and lighter than the water is better than wine. 岁月里的你很干净,比水淡比酒清

35、Morgen, die Zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天 、未来 ,哪一个会先到。

36、Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul. 当我一无所有,遍体鳞伤,你是否爱我如故。

37、Alcune delle storie, quale fine non esiste. 有些故事,不会存在什么结局。

38、I'm the only one who can company with you to the end of life. 除了我,每个人都不适合与你白头到老。

39、Sometimes it takes a good fall to really know

40、Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

41、〓 ◥◤ 、 Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow wi

42、Distance is just a space in between. It’s only as far apart as our hearts will let it. 距离,不过是一段空间。心有多近,距离就有多近。

43、Once all, lost became a joke. 曾经的一切,失去了就成了一个玩笑


45、You cannot appreciate happineunleyou have known sadnetoo. 【vs】 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福

46、When everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity 当一切都随风而逝的时候,那些特别的瞬间都成了永恒。

47、I'm just a struggle for the future and distant ordinary people 我只是一个为未来和远方奋斗的平凡人。

48、Take chances, give everything, and leave with no regrets

49、Not to pay, to know not overdo sth. 得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。

50、I thought I was strong enough to recover for illness without medical help. 我一直以为自己强大到不药而愈。

51、Are you still in you is not love. 你还在你却不爱。

52、People don't leave because things are hard. People do leave because it's no longer worth it.人们会放弃,常常不是因为难度问题,往往是因为,不再值得继续下去。

53、Why not give me all but told me forever? 为什么不能给我全部却要跟我天荒地老?

54、When missing someone, suddenly from the strong giant into a cowardly child. 当思念一个人的时候,突然就从坚强的巨人变成了懦弱的小孩。

55、The most cool of the but people, most humble feelings. 最凉的的不过是人心,最卑微的不过是感情。

56、Should not be perfunctory my you, was I has misunderstood you to the understanding which loved. 别敷衍我了你,是我误解了你对爱的理解。

57、I forget my soul in you. 我把我的心遗忘在你那儿了。

58、My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss. 我眼中有浅浅的海,前尘旧事拍岸,侵蚀出一湾想念。


60、Do you want to happiness 【你要幸福】

61、数学含义 Mat

62、You Are My Sunshine. ( 你是我的太阳 )

63、Nobody could ever replace you. 从来就没有人能代替的了你。

64、I'm forced to fake,I force a smile, with every day [我强迫去假装,以后的每一天,我都会强颜欢笑。]

65、I am not greed but I envy. 我没有贪婪 我羡慕海枯石烂

66、Every day there are in the world, every day someone in depravity sorrow. 这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。

67、I wanted you to hold me in my sleep 我熟睡时要你将我搂紧

68、omething is a knot when you reserve it,a scar when it's opened.有些事情,不谈是个结,谈开

69、Sometimes the so-called love, only funny acacia. 有时所谓的日久生情,结果只是可笑单相思。

70、The details will tell you who is sincere to you. 【vs】 细节会告诉你谁是真心对你好。

71、This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it. 这就是我,没人说非要你喜欢。

72、I will cherish every good to me,

73、Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count. 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义

74、Love the life you live, live the life you love

75、Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. 做自己生命的主角,而不是别人生命中的看客。


77、Everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason. 一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

78、I smile whenever I get a message from you. 一收到你的短信,就会情不自禁的微笑。

79、Behind each song has a story. 每首歌的背后,都有一个故事。

80、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too

81、There’s nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears. 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。

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