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发布时间:2023-09-08 13:57:27源自:http://www.xady168.com/作者:童鞋会阅读(267)

1、Didn't you imagination of so nostalgic. 你没想象之中那么恋旧。

2、In addition to you, and who is eligible walked around in my heart. 除了你,还有谁有资格在我心里走来走去。

3、Don't say love, a promise is a debt owed. 不要轻易说爱,许下的许诺就是欠下的债。

4、Our love is the process of fairy tale, but no ending. 我们的爱情有着童话的过程,却没有结局。

5、Bad days will pass 坏事情总会过去

6、About you I don't want to know.关于你的我不想知道。

7、you and her profound feelings. 你和她相濡以沫。

8、What time did you let me into your heart. 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

9、Anyway, still insist on, there is no dream, never reach the distance 不管怎样,仍要坚持,没有梦想,永远到不了远方。

10、渐渐让迩淡出涐的生活,一个人过Gradually fade out the E life let you, a person lead

11、Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime【遇见彼此,不枉此生。】

12、Love is like hoping for rainbows though, a storm, I'm going through. 有的爱像大雨滂沱,却依然相信彩虹。

13、Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany. 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。

14、First I need your hand, then forever can begin. 我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远。

15、bashi-bazouk 纪土耳其野蛮的非正规军士兵

16、Sometimes you have to show your bad side so that you can sort out who can accept you at your worst. 有时候,你要表现自己不好的一面,才能找出谁能接受你最差的你。

17、Crowded I always not see you. 人潮拥挤我始终不见你。

18、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth. 精神的财富是唯一的财富。

19、Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of... 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我。

20、Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end. 所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

21、If in the heart will feel sad, then please smile to let go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑。

22、If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 离开我就别安慰我 要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

23、Coffee is lonely without cups.I am lonely without you. 没有杯子,咖啡是寂寞的;没有你,我是孤独的。

24、Save your heart for someone who cares. 把心留给在乎你的人吧。

25、Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

26、What's the big deal, drink a beer away sad. 也没什么大不了的,喝口啤酒冲走心酸。

27、A section of defeat's sentiment most abstains from is, never forgets. 一段失败的感情最忌讳的便是,念念不忘。

28、Complaining does not solve anything. 抱怨不能解决任何问题。

29、She just wants a hug, but you're always making sense. 她其实只是想要个拥抱,可你却总是在讲道理。


31、Don't forget to blame others too quickly you remember too deep. 别去苛责别人忘得太快 是你自己记得太深。

32、l'm alone,but l'm not lonely.(我独自一人,但我并不孤独)

33、Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. 【vs】 并非地球引力使人坠入爱河。

34、The sandflass remembers the time we lost. 沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。

35、Each one second all belong to the past is in the past

36、Put it dissolve into zero, whether not becomepoison. 把它溶解成零度,是否不在变成毒。

37、Lose you win the world and how 「输了你赢了世界又如何」

38、Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in the hell. (在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂。)


40、Finally, even a commom;cynical greetings like disturb. 终于连一句不咸不淡的问候都像是打扰。

41、You're a diamond, dear. They can't break you. 亲爱的,你是一颗钻石,任何人都无法让你破碎。

42、give me XOXO L.O.V.E

43、First love is only a little foolishneand a lot of curiosity. 【vs】 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。

44、Feeble story, just making excuses. 【vs】 苍白无力的述说,只是在狡辩而已。

45、❥所有动听的话 配上实际行动才有意义All beautiful words are meaningful with practical actions

46、Each piece of the young will be old 每段年少都会苍老。

47、If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic. 如果一切都是戏。我们何必演的那么逼真。

48、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud (你们永远不懂,我为何拥有不可一世的骄傲 )

49、Memories make me sad, reality makes me sick

50、The life of people is habit to those who are not used to the habit of habit. 人的一生就是习惯去习惯那些不习惯的习惯。


51、Miss as miss, miss read as offering, the chief read do not read. 想念不如怀念,怀念不如祭念,祭念不如不念。

52、no one can take your place in my heart. 没有人能代替你在我心中的位置。

53、your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep

54、I apply to get into your life . (我申请,加入你的人生)

55、△I hope that what you are desperately fighting for will be yours in the end. ​​​希望你所拼命争取

56、First impression of you is most lasting. 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

57、The sea had never doubted the sky blue. 海不曾怀疑天的蓝

58、Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret. 带着希望向前看,而不是带着悔恨退缩。

59、I am on your side, never leave[我在你身旁,未曾离开]

60、I am not lonely, but lonely.(我不是孤独,而是寂寞。)


62、Good people, is not so difficult to meet, hard to meet, is a good and deep love to us. ————美好的人,并不是那么难遇到。难遇到的,是美好而且深爱我们的人。

63、You are my sunshine , Is my distant light. 你是我的太阳,是我遥不可及的光。

64、Sometimes, we need a little tears to clear the mist in our eyes, a little assurance to clear the doubts in our head, a little hug to nurse our aching heart、 有时候,我们需要一点眼泪去洗掉眼中的迷雾,一点保证去扫去脑中的怀疑,一点拥抱去疗愈受伤的心,一点休息去继续前行。

65、Life is like a rose, each petal represents a dream, each root thorns shows a kind of reality. 生活如同一朵玫瑰,每片花瓣代表一个梦想,每根花刺昭示一种现实。

66、I climbed up every hill to get to you 我攀爬了每一座山峰为了接近你。

67、Life is funny

68、You were the lightest thing that ever came into my life

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