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发布时间:2023-08-06 22:47:30源自:http://www.xady168.com/作者:童鞋会阅读(255)

1、I will always miss you like a darling. (愿人们爱恨,为你加冕。)

2、I don't want to win. I just don't want to lose. 我不是想赢 我只是不想输。

3、我孤独成性因为我厌恶人心。NO RAIN PLEASE

4、Don't give up when you are able to fly,to dream and to love. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

5、Behind every successful woman is herself. 每个成功女人的背后都是她自己。

6、Previous life remember, is now hard to forget. 以前死命记住,现在拼命忘记。

7、How far is far, how high is high We’ll never know until we try. 远有多远,高有多高,只有试了才知道。

8、What you can't get is enough.得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。

9、Sooner or later, I will be wearing canvas shoes into the door of my ideal school. 我迟早会穿着帆布鞋踏入我理想学校的大门。

10、“我想要两颗西柚。” “什么?” “I want to see you.”

11、When you I care is a joke 你当我的牵挂是笑话

12、It is never too late to fall in love.爱永远不会嫌晚。

13、Good things are worth the wait. ​​美好的东西总是值得等待

14、The most painful distance is you're not here with me but in my heart

15、Time will run out of a person's all enthusiasm. 时间会耗尽一个人的所有热情。


17、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi.(只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃)

18、时光不染,回忆不淡。Time does not dye,Memor

19、I missed a lot of. It left a bitch 我错过了很多,却留下了贱货。

20、You are not brave, no one for you to be strong. 你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。

21、It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 在你耐心地操劳于生活的琐事的过程中,你才能领悟整个生活的伟大意义和形象。

22、Each life likely is one full and the delightful fruit. (每一个生命都像是一颗饱满而甜美的果实。)

23、A word of goodbye, two of the world. 一句再见,两个世界。

24、I love you a whole had 我爱你整整一个曾经

25、Never say goodbye when you still want to try, never give up when you still feel you can take it, never say you don't love that person anymore when you can't let go. 【vs】 当你仍想继续,永远不要说再见;当你还能承受,永远不要说放弃;当你舍不得一个人,永远永远不要说你不再爱他(她)。

26、Committed a fault, suffered wounds, not to hide, they can disappear. 犯过的错,受过的伤口,并不是将其掩盖,就能够消失的。

27、The simplest little happiness is that miss you. 最简单的小幸福,就是你的一句想你了。

28、Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能!

29、No matter how serious life gets, you still gotta have that one person who you can be completely stupid with. 无论生活有多么严峻,我们都需要找到一个能傻傻相伴的人。

30、If he want to go more than a million reasons. 他若执意要走 理由何止千万种。

31、need just Word, Word has Word . (你的就是我的,我的还是我的 。)

32、Finally understand,I really do not。 (终于明白,原来我真的什么都不是。)

33、后来才知道 前程似锦也是告别的意思Only later did I know that a bricht future is also a farewell

34、Even if it's a little while to be apart from you. 就算是一会儿也讨厌与你分开。

35、Revisione del passato che una volta era solo un gioco. 回眸那过往的曾经,原来只是一场游戏。

36、Is missing you in the dream.在梦里想着你

37、am strong,there

38、An appreciation of their own

39、The eyes of others and themselves in the eyes of their own can not be compared. 别人眼中的自己和自己眼中的自己没法相提并论。

40、I love you, have no purpose. Just love you. 我爱你,没有什么目的。就是爱你。

41、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪

42、In fact I really miss some people,something of some time. 其实我很想念某些时候的某些人某些事

43、The only reason I'm fat is because a tiny body couldn't store all this personality. 我胖的唯一原因,是太小的身体容纳不了我饱满的性格。

44、I wait for you to come back and say you love me 我等着你回来说你还爱着我

45、Wait until the first date I will forget you. 等到老酒过期我就忘了你。

46、Laugh eyes and lie face. 会笑的眼和说谎的脸。

47、Lifedoesn'tgeteasier,youjustgetstronger. 生活从未变得轻松,是你在一点一点变得坚强。

48、The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你给过的快乐,现在都陪着我难

49、Early bird gets the worm(早起的鸟儿有虫吃) Early bugs eaten by birds(早起的虫儿被鸟吃)

50、You are traces of past injuries, but now is the field memories. 从前你是伤的痕迹,现在不过是场回忆。

51、It all comes to the end about the past and you. 关于过去,关于你,告一段落。

52、The Things We Do For Love. 为爱做一切。

53、In the changing world, time, in fact, is the largest thief. 在这个幻变的世界里,岁月,原来才是最大的小偷。

54、Love is like hoping for rainbows though, a storm, I'm going through 有的爱像大雨滂沱 却依然相信彩虹

55、Maybe I missing you. 也许,我正在想你。

56、One of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy. 女孩子容易犯的最大错误之一,就是对一个男人用情太深。


57、Don't let the sad wind blow the lonely wind. 别说伤感的话 别吹孤独的风。

58、The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else. 忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人。

59、You don't laugh tears away. [你别笑了眼泪都掉了]

60、Give me to the old love. [给我到老的爱情]

61、I have always loved you,but you do not know. 【vs】 一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

62、Do you have a girlfriend, I love is not old. 你有了新欢 我却不是你的旧爱。

63、I also want to know what I think。 我也想知道我想怎样。

64、You can do it too! 你也做得到!

65、You should put away your lonely obsession and excess. 你应当收起你那孤独的执念和多余的早晚安。

66、Failure is the mother of success

67、Silent and prond,lonoly but free and easy. 沉默且骄傲,孤独却洒脱。

68、I just want to use I this lifetime to love you. ——我只想用我这一辈子去爱你。

69、Be thankful for your past relationships, someone better suited to you is waiting out there. 感谢你逝去的恋情,因为更合适的人正

70、Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance、完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。

71、Even if you bad i also love you. 即使你不好我也爱你。

72、I love you even

73、what a loveiy world it well be with you away. 没有了你.这个世界多么寂寞。

74、Take me into your future you.带我到你的未来。

75、Always feel pain so true, so real let people numb. 总觉得疼痛那么真实,真实得让人有点麻木。

76、Tearsarenocolorofblood. 眼泪是没有颜色的血。

77、Today, give a stranger one of your smiles、 It might be the only sunshine he sees all day、 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光

78、Now do not want to get turned up. 原来得不到的现在不想要了。

79、Reserve one meter sunshine and tap my heart window. 预订一米阳光,轻敲我的心窗。

80、Will you still lov

81、why don't you make it back to a,B,C,and D.〔不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁〕

82、Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

83、I love you,just because

84、Suddenly it was sad,Because you don't love me anymore. 突然很伤感,是因为你不再爱我了。

85、Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory.哪怕别的赢不了人家,我们心态好就是完胜。

86、you're giving me such sweet nothing. - 你给我的是空头承诺. -


87、This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it. 这就是我,没人说非要你喜欢。

88、The best kind of travel experience is being deeply moved in an unfamiliar place. 最好的旅行,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。

89、give you what you need. 给你一切你需要的。

90、ough times do not last, but tough people do. 痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。

91、Thank you push me off a cliff let me see the whole sky. 感谢你将我推下悬崖让我看清整片天空。

92、Don't give up and don't give in. 【vs】 不要放弃,不要言败!

93、When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile、 当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。

94、时间是个庸医,却自称包治百病。Time is a quack but claims to cure all dis

95、My spirit and soul, keep waiting in your heart the door 我的灵和魂魄,不停守候在你心门口

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