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发布时间:2023-03-10 14:23:44源自:http://www.xady168.com/作者:童鞋会阅读(290)

1、no pain no gain 没有痛苦没有收获。

2、How much I love you,how much jealousy is there. 我有多爱你,就有多少醋意。


4、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火 Love warms more than a thousand fires

5、Not much, but it is eternal. 不过尔尔,却是永恒。

6、The more you care for someone, the less you understand him. 越是在乎的人,你就越是猜不透。

7、I do not know how long the meteor can fly, the value is not worth pursuing; I do not know how long the cherry blossoms, the value is not worth waiting for. 我不知道流星能飞多久,值不值得追求;我不知道樱花能开多久,值不值得等候。

8、Go for it! = Just do it! 加油!向前冲!做了再说!

9、There's always that one song that brings back old memories. 总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。

10、不要着急,最好的总是会在不经意的时候出现。No hurry,the best always appears accidentally

11、The city is all empty and crowded without you. 这个城市空荡的全是人,又拥挤的没有你。

12、Where there is love, there are always wishes.哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

13、I don’t have th strength to stay away from you anymore. 我再也无法控制自己远离你了。

14、I know that my future is not just a dream. 【vs】 我的未来不是梦。

15、Actually, I always behind you, just sent you a back. 其实,我一向都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

16、I have always loved you,but you do not know. 我一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。

17、Oneofthemostdifficulttasksinlifeisremovingsomeonefromyourheart. 人生最难的事情之就是把某人从你的心底删除。

18、Some things, once himself, is smoke 有些事情,一旦过眼,便是烟云. In order to be

19、It is not about me not caring - what is the difference whether I care or not. 有些事情不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样。

20、All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it

21、You can't have a better tomorrow

22、Of the world's most precious and are not eligible and lost. 【vs】 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

23、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted

24、Chance favors the prepared mind. 机会是为有准备的人准备的。

25、I am alwayswaiting for you,for your turning around

26、Heart if tiredly, tears too dry. Ok, we will bemeeting scattered now. 心若倦了、泪也干了。好吧、我们就就此散了吧。

27、就算我卑微,也有资格沉醉。Even if I am humble, also drunk

28、Senza di te la trama della stagione sbiadito nello stack. 没有你的季节 褪色的情节在堆叠 . Una volta la convinzione, tornare ancora e ancora ricordare. 曾经一度的坚信、换来一次又一次的不堪回首。

29、you are my Sunshine. 你是我的阳光

30、Some people cannot tell where good, but is who all don't replace有些人说不清哪里好 可就是

31、Most of the time a lot of bad can not open that kind of feeling you will not understand. 很多时候很多难受无法开口 那种感受你不会懂。

32、Are you afraid to test the heart, because I was afraid I was still in disgrace. 不敢去试探你心里是否还有我, 因为我怕是在自取其辱。

33、In addition to you I who all don't 除了你我谁都不要

34、Better late than never. 只要开始,虽晚不迟。

35、I in and so on future. Will have your future.我在等未来,有你的未来。

36、Sleep away the sadness of today.去睡觉,把今天的各种悲伤难过都睡走!

37、- And to the whole day through. -每一分每一秒直到一天结束

38、For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.(久伴是多久?葬在身边够不够。)

39、I miss you most when I realized that I missed you。在我最思念你的时候,我才发觉我已经错过了

40、Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 【vs】 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

41、I'm fine, thanks for not asking. 我很好,谢谢你的忽略。

42、you give me a cave, surrounded by the rain.真

43、It is never too late to try again.重头开始永远不会晚。

44、Don't hold me to when you are the only audience. 不要憋着我可以当你唯一的听众。

45、you are the apple of my eyes. 你是我心中,最最珍贵的东西

46、All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. 生活的艺术在于:好好把握,每一次的放手与坚持。

47、I will wait for you until I have no more reason to wait anymore 我会一直等你,直到没有再等下去的理由

48、If just like why inflated into love. 如若只是喜欢 何必夸大成爱。更多最新英文网名

49、Do I myself, is the bes

50、It's great to meet in my bset ages. 在我最美好的年华,遇见你就好了。

51、My love for you will not give to others

52、If I hire you for a lifetime with a ten-mile peach blossom. 我若用十里桃花,聘你一生年华。

53、There is always a lierso In my heart 总有一个人 常驻我心

54、Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. -----你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信

55、keep trying no matter how hard it seems. it will get easier. 坚持不懈,难也变易。

56、Love is so short, forgetting is so long. 爱那么短,可是遗忘那么长。

57、Each life likely is one full and the delightful fruit. (每一个生命都像是一颗饱满而甜美的果实。)

58、I was the original I just smile more thin cool。 我还是原来的那个我 只是少了笑容多了薄凉

59、Dont Leave Me Here

60、Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories. 【vs】 消失的是记忆,而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。

61、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的,就把它做好。

62、Keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest. 把我放进你的记忆里,不要管其他的。

63、No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart. 不管我们相隔多遥远,你将永远在我心里

64、This is a fine day. 这是一个晴朗的日子。

65、At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. 当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。

66、Happiness keeps growing endlessly,but it's too far to reach. 幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。

67、Heroes of earth are not here yet. Please take care of yourself. 盖世英雄还没来,请你照顾好自己。

68、I never back. 我永远不会回来。

69、To look back, and saw one no longer young, never make public does not rise.再回首,看见自己不再韶华,再也张扬不起来。

70、If has not left depart, the growth also does not have belongs. 如果没有别离,成长也就无所附丽。

71、My love for you w

72、Growth is a song,sing all separation and joy in union . 成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。

73、Every time I don't see you, I really like you. 在每一个见不到你的时刻也都有在认真喜欢你。

74、Down enough to let go. 失望攒够了就放手吧。

75、Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself. 坚强,就是勇敢的向困难挑战,把成功的微笑留给自己。

76、One day I will be at the heart proud to tell you things. 有天 我会指着心脏 骄傲的告诉你 这里换人了。

77、A lot of things, not because of the distance and give up, just because of giving up and far away. 很多事情,不是因为遥远而放弃,只是因为放弃而遥远。

78、Small is malicious pleasure 小三是不是狠快乐。

79、Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just.最后转眼流逝的绝不仅仅是时光而已。


81、Didn't you imagination of so nostalgic 你没想象之中那么恋旧

82、A brerson quiet a brerson cry movie clibrs, the whole world is sad. 一个人安静一个人哭泣散场电影,全世界伤心。

83、All the deep love is secret. 所有的深爱都是秘密。

84、Have you is enough. 有你足矣

85、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 你安然离去,我碎了一地。

86、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone. 你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟独你一个人哭。

87、I love you more than two minutes can not be withdrawn. ​我喜欢你已经超过了两分钟不能撤回了

88、Can not get is forever, forget was once . 【vs】 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。

89、Not easy to meet people don't say goodbye. 好不容易相遇的人就不要轻易说再见。

90、Everything Has Changed. 一切都变了。

91、A person, be good to yourself; Two person, treat each other. 一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

92、Is sorry I hit you Think you really love me. 是我撞上了你的难过 误以为你真的爱我。

93、I don't want to be your world, just do your shoulders. 不当你的世界,只做你肩膀。

94、When we learn to treasure simple happiness, we will be winners in life. 当我们懂得珍惜平凡的幸福时,就已经成了人生的赢家。

95、There is no reason if I’m here with you

96、In fact, I always behind y

97、Because of you , so i madness .因为有你,所以我疯狂。

98、Both happiness and sadness in our life would fade away with time

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